Friday, May 6, 2011

To All the Mothers, You Deserve This...

Put this song on first and foremost before you read this.. No, really... Just do it... (Superwoman- Alicia Keys )

Ok. So I'm at work and I happened to get distracted by facebook (yes, I'm just going to blame it on facebook..) and I look through the updated statuses. Conveniently, my mother happens to be on facebook too and her status says this:

"A mother is not someone to lean on but a person to make leaning
unnecessary. Furthermore, nothing I have ever done has given me more joys and
rewards than being a mother to my children and a grandmother to my Maddie
(brother's daughter) and to my Sophia (sister's daughter)"

Dammit. My mom doesn't say too much but sometimes she drops knowledge. And that right there? Hit a chord within me.

So, I thought about her as a mother. You know, see her point-of-view and see through all the animosity that I had against her in the past. I want to personally give it up to each and every mother out there.... seriously. That is not a hard job at all. You take up a position (more than likely unexpectedly) and you are now in charge of a life. I'm talking about teaching a life how to think, read, speak, act, dress, instill values, make sure they are fed, make sure they go to school, mold them to be successful and ambitious, among other things. She has to be mother, chef, worker, role model, inspirational speaker, teacher, protector, and she has to remain fly??? And no matter how many times you try and be the perfect mom, you will make a mistake somewhere in the process... or maybe even more than one... But seriously, thats life. You can try and do better each time you have a child but each child requires different attention, different molding. Its quite interesting.

Ok. So my mom wasn't perfect. And yes, she made alot of mistakes along the way. But, reality is, she made ME. I wouldn't be here without her. I started noticing I act like her more and more everyday. And that may have been the reason why me and her never clicked. We were one in the same. We are both stubborn, opinionated, a strong personality, fiscally sound, responsible, and when it comes to getting things done we make it happen. If you put two of the same person in the same household its not going to end pretty. On top of that, I hated her for the longest because I was one of those kids that needed emotional attention (which may explain why I'm so emotional in relationships, to fill that void--- we'll talk about that in another blog post). She wasn't able to give that. Maybe it was the fact that she had 2 full-time jobs (and still does) or maybe she didn't know how to. But, the positive thing out of all that is the fact that I became emotionally stronger. I learned to deal with my own emotions. I learned to be independent. I learned to grow up on my own time when girls were losing their minds and going boy-crazy. My mom was so right in her quote. She subliminally helped me be successful and be a woman. A driven woman that can hold her own without any assistance. Sure I had broken parts, but she taught me to heal without crutches and to disregard the scars.

I want everyone to go to their mothers on Mother's Day and seriously thank her. A good mother can't be perfect. A good mother tries her best to do everything she can in order to fulfill her title. Plain and simple. She might have not been the best to you. She might not have been the most amazing or some Michelle Obama. She might not have been there all the time, but remind yourself she is only human. She IS trying. So a special "I Love You and Thank You" goes to my mom, my sisters, sorors, G, Sarle', T_Lloyd, and all other women I know out there who have kids. Take a moment to revel in your day, Mother's Day. We see you trying to raise the next CEO or President. Your effort does not remain unnoticed.

I hope one day whenever I'm ready to have children (or whenever it happens unexpectedly) I want to have the ability to be a good mother.