Friday, June 24, 2011

The Situation----> The Reaction

As always I was tweeting my life away and @DaniGirlBX (click the link and check her blog she is an AMAZING photographer) brings up the discussion about a story she heard. And yes, this story was so absurd I sure as hell had to blog about it.

-----Disclaimer: All names have been changed to protect the identity of those mentioned. Whatever that means. I don't even know them anyway. I just wanted to blog about it. Onto the story though-----

This is how she tweeted the whole thing to me:

"So Lauren has known Joe since high school. They got close, best friends almost. He would tell her about his girlfriend/ sidechick problems and vice versa. He always had this one sidechick (that they both went to high school with). Now Lauren and Joe always liked each other but they always had a boyfriend/girlfriend repectively. When they were finally single at the same time they went for it! The sidechick chilled for a little while. About a year after Lauren and Joe got together she pops back up with texts making for the dick. He must've gotten tired of the said texts and said to Lauren 'Babe let me fuck her 1 more time to shut her up' (Exact words to be determined, however, that was the gist of it). And (this is where I get confused) she said to go ahead (once again, exact words aren't available but the principle of her approving it still stands). Off he went. About a month later, Joe gets a call from the sidechick saying she's pregnant and she's keeping it and wants to be with him. 9 months later, he has a a chick he refuses to be with. And last weekend (Joe and Lauren) celebrated his son's 2nd birthday at her (sidechick's) house."

There were so many "Nah son's" I blurted out upon reading this story. THERE IS NO WAY THIS WOULD EVER GO DOWN!!! EVER!!!! First of all, EVERYONE in this party is wrong in so many ways. I think we are going to start with the sidechick. Firstly (yep I said firstly), she was wrong in thinking that she could just switch up her role. When you are dealing with gray-area relationships (I say gray area because you have an undefined title other than girlfriend/boyfriend) you are usually confined to that role. For example, in this case, sidechick thought she could move up to pending girlfriend. Nope. Once you are a sidechick always a sidechick/booty call/ etc. (in only that relationship of course) and that is how you will be viewed. Then, the sidechick was all the way wrong for trying to come around again and attempt to sabotage Joe's relationship. MUST YOU BE A HAPPINESS HATER? **Dusts off seat** Yes, you hunni, I found you this. I don't see why some women/men look to jeopardize other relationships. You aren't with that person soooooo why must you be so bitter? Angry birds you are.

The next person on the stand is the guy, Joe. Sure, he let his girl know about the texts and yes he wasn't messing with said sidechick during his relationship but WHAT IN YOUR RIGHT MIND GIVES YOU THE AUDACITY TO ASK YOUR GIRLFRIEND IF YOU CAN SLEEP WITH YOUR EX-SIDECHICK ONE LAST TIME?!?!?! That STILL blows my mind everytime I read it. He CLEARLY doesn't respect his girlfriend NOR his relationship to even fathom the feasibility of that request.... THEN you're really going to have sex with her.... AND you get her pregnant??? I would've been in handcuffs by the end of that request (I wouldn't be able to control my temper in that situation, I know it). You know what? He got me here at my desk all irate and I don't even know him. Let me move on before I catch a case....

The last one we get to talk about is the girlfriend, Lauren. Oh Lauren, what did you expect in this situation? So you think he's going to instantly drop his sidechick that has been around for a while just because you showed up and decided to have a whole relationship? Not necessarily. You knew she existed. You know he's had her around for a while. You even knew her indirectly. You can't quite expect for her NOT to pop back up sometime somewhere. I'm actually not surprise the sidechick made a guest appearance a year later. They usually don't fade away that quick. If the sidechick feels as though she has enough leverage to distract your man, she WILL be back. And if she distracts your man successfully: 1) she cannot ever be trusted and 2) your man wasn't worth being with in the first place. Simple as that. But what irks my soul even more, is the fact Lauren approved of Joe's request. What kind of... you know what, I'm just going to restrain myself. There has to be some degree of low self-esteem for a woman to let that happen. I just couldn't have the thought of MY man running with his old breezy just to get it on one last time. That's where the line of comfortability is violated. Then, I have to swallow my pride as he lets me know he's pregnant? Nope. It would've been time for me to go. Somehow she stayed with him... long enough to be right beside him at the sidechick's house for their son's birthday party. Nope. WOULD NOT BE ME. Love ain't THAT strong.

I think the point that I am driving at in telling and criticizing this story is to make sure you understand the role that you play in relationships, whether it be the sidechick (I hope not) or the girlfriend. Also, don't let someone cross the boundaries for your relationship (as in Lauren's case). The most important point in telling this story is to know when the relationship is worth working at. I understand most of us haven't experienced love or may have been in love once, but there are some things that happen in relationships that are indicators that this is not one of those things that are worth saving. Just be vigilant. You will know when its time to go. Although, this situation seemed to have so many facets to it they all happen in real life... just not necessarily at once. AllI gotta say is don't let it be you that I blog about. Lol.

Save Me.... In Retrospect...

It was one of those days, I was having fun with @T_Lloyd and @Ms_She on twitter and having our weekly versions of "The View" where we just tag team back and forth about relationships (Oh yea, follow me on twitter -----> @C_Michele1L ). This particular day, we were goin in on comfortability and communication. For some reason, we always feel the need to school the heauxs out there (They always tryna f//k it up for the rest of us smh). Anyways, an hour and several RTs go by and @InADash asks us to post for Venus Genus.

I actually sat down, thought it out, and wrote about the two life impacting experiences I had in college. So far, one of them was posted. Once I seen it posted, I re-read it. It mad me embarassed to see my own words on someone else's site, liberated because I've released my thoughts, and happy because I was able to write it without letting a tear fall... all emotions at one time (however that works). A couple of years ago if I even tried to repeat this story I would get emotional. Now I can re-read it without even a blink.

Well, here is the post link. That Nicki Minaj "Save Me" had me in the zone.