Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Almost Halftime Speech

I deleted it all. I deleted the bad memories. All the reminders of how I got hurt. Some posts stayed. They stayed as symbols for me. Symbols that they should never be repeated.

I spent a lot of time searching for myself. I think I get too immersed in love, career, health, finances, family, and making it from day to day that I forget about the most important person.... Me. I know I give an oversensitive reaction to too much stress especially when I take on too many things. I learned how to say no and chill the fuck out a little. I began to think more about the world. Observe more. And forget the negative things that I have encountered. Since then I have grown as a person, as a woman. I think many of the lessons that were conveyed to me started manifesting themselves in true form and I'm happier because of it. I started understanding the world and people for who they are. And I think it increased my wisdom, but I also can be imagining that too.

As for me, I started appreciating me for me. In how I look and taking pride in the things I do and say while accepting criticism as it comes. I wrote down specific aims for me to work on a person throughout the year and so far, almost halfway through, I'm progressing.

I'm in a happier state. I was putting everyone else before me. This time will be different. :)

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